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Your books are ready! Eek!

A day early!

What a journey it has been (and still is!) to reach this point! The satisfaction of seeing that subject line in my email made my day!

Now I’ll be anxiously awaiting the delivery of them so I can get them dedicated, signed and shipped.

If you have already contacted me for your pre-order, I will be reaching out to you for payment and delivery – and I want to say a special ~THANK YOU~ – from the bottom of my heart for supporting me in getting this series debut to market.

I want to give a special paragraph to highlight how much the support of my friends, family, colleagues and community means to me. I am so thankful to be blessed with amazing people in my world. So once again – THANK YOU!!

Once the books arrive, they will be offered at the regular full price of $15 – still a bargain with the beautiful artwork that Jennifer created to help bring my stories to life.

Have I ever told you how much I love and appreciate this wonderful lady?

There is still plenty of time to pre-order!! Do you have brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, nieces, nephews who would love a copy dedicated just to them?

You can pre-order by visiting me at the Jasper Farmer’s Market on Wednesday from 11 am – 3 pm, shoot me an email, facebook messenger, or instagram message with who you want the books dedicated to, your mailing address and email address.


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